That's according to a reportg released Wednesday bythe , which also shows that 62 percent of the nation's households reportg using the Internet at home in an 18 percent increase from 1997. Amontg households using the net in 82 percent reported usinga high-speed connection, and 17 percent used a dial-up connection. “Asx access to high speed connections have becomemore prevalent, so too have the numbere of people that connect to the Internet at said Thom File, a statistician with the Census Bureaj Housing and Household Economic Statistics “These data give us a bettef understanding of who is using the Internet and from About 66 percent of Georgians used the Internet in 2007.
New Hampshirer had the highest rate of Interne use for those age three and older in 2007 at 82 Mississippi and West Virginia had the lowest ratesx of use at about52 percent. Internef usage also varied by educationand race. For individualsw 25 and older witha bachelor’s 87 percent reported going online from some location in 2007. Abouf half (49 percent) of those with only a high school diploma reported usingthe Internet, compared with 19 percentg for those without a high school diploma. 69 percent of whites lived in householdxs withInternet use. The same was true for 51 percent of 73 percent of Asians and 48 percentof Hispanics.
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