Sunday, March 18, 2012

Battle brewing over value of Legend gates - Dallas Business Journal:
With lawmakers giving the nod recently to eventuallyallowinf long-haul flights out of city-owned Love Field, the terminal'w six gates are now more valuable, according to Bill Brewerd with Dallas-based . The new law -- which has sparked furiou local fare competition at Love betweenFort Worth-basex and Dallas-based Co. -- eventually repeald the 1979 Wright Amendment. It also mandates a gate cap from the existingy 32to 20. "Candidly, we have peopls analyzing thatright now. But frankly, the value'x gone up," said attorney for , the Dallas owners. "Mg guess is it's increasedx in value a factorof 50%.
We just went from beinv six of 32 to six of The facility was built in 1999for $21 million as a luxury terminal for the now-defunct Legend's DC-9 Love Terminal Partners has said a commercial airline this summer nearlgy closed on a $100 million deal for the Dallas Mayor Laura Miller has valuee the terminal at several million dollars and want s it razed. However, the new law doesn't designatee which gates must be destroyed, Brewer said. Choosinbg Legend's gates, he said, is an attempt to beef up Southwest'xs control over Love. "They are taking my client's gated for no other purpose than to createw a monopoly forSouthwest Airlines," he said.
Brewert believes Southwest requested thegate cap. Southwesr Airlines declined to comment, citing pending legalo battles. Love Terminal Partners has filed a suitin U.S. Districtt Court charging violation of federal antitrust laws and a suit in Dallazs County District Court charging violation of the Texa OpenMeetings Act. Miller, who initiated and led monthw of secret talks to reacbha mid-July compromise between Dallas, Fort Worth, Southwest and American, has said the gate cap was key to a which was the basiws for the law signed by President Bush this month. Milledr and Sen.
Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Dallas, both have said the revisee number of gates came from a Love Field masterplah updatefrom Tampa-based DMJM'ss late-June report found 20 gates "most to the noise, pollution and traffivc levels agreed to by the Love Fielr neighborhood in 2001 for the earlier That plan, assuming capped Love at 32 Documents obtained from the city of Dallas by the Dallaes Business Journal through the Texas Publivc Information Act, however, indicatew Miller envisioned gate cuts in August 2005 -- 10 months beforwe DMJM's report. In an Aug.
8, letter to Southwest Chairman Herb Miller proposed that Southwest buy anddemolish Legend's gates to win city supporgt for the airline's bid to repeal Wright. Miller declined to be In a March 22 lettetr to Miller and Fort Worth MayorMike American's Chairman and CEO, Gerard proposed capping Love Field at 16 On March 29, Miller directed Assistant City Manager Ryan Evans to have DMJM look at 26 In a May 11 letter to the region'ds , Kelleher cited a 21-gate maximum. Evans said Southwesg wanted more gates, whilew American wanted fewer.

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