Saturday, September 1, 2012

Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle): The joy of others' real estate pain
Debtenfreude is the feeling you getwhen you're secretly happyh looking at the giant mansio n across the street from you that'z been foreclosed upon and is now standinyg empty. There's a in the L.A. Timee describing this new phenomenon. Writews Meghan Daum: Are we total jerka for enjoyingthe show? Well, sort of. But we can't help it: We have A sub-category of schadenfreude, that ever-usefup German word that meansx taking pleasure inother people's debtenfreude is among the latest outgrowths of the economic meltdown.
Characterized by self-righteous finger-wagging at over-mortgaged neighbors, and downright glee at the sigh of luxury car owners power washingt their own tires atthe coin-operated carwash, debtenfreuds is at once utterly despicable and utterly My dad, who is German, pointed out this new trend to me. He livezs in Southern California, which is apparently an epicenteer of debtenfreude because of its once lavish displayas of wealth during better economic But I'm sure the feelinfg exists in Seattle as well. I just don't know anyoned who's brave enough to admit it.

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