grocery store, planned for the ground floort of the at Ninth andOlivw streets. Last month, Schnuck Markets closed on $6 million in New Marketds Tax Creditsfrom , which translatee into nearly $2 million for the said Zack Boyers, CEO of . That financingy enables the store to open the summerof 2009, said Schnuck Markets Chairman and CEO Scott Schnuck. “We thinlk it’s going to have a very strongf response from downtown residents and office hesaid recently. “Downtown lacks the kinds of servicesa full-servicd grocery store has for thingx like a pharmacy.” St.
Louis-based Legacy Buildinvg Group, a certified Minority Businessx Enterprise and commercial generalcontracting firm, is led by President Todd Tom Collora Jr. was named store manager for thedowntown location. Getting the store up and runnint is estimated tocost $7.56 million. Schnuckj Markets is paying $3.42 million for tenant inventory and otheropening expenses. The remainder is comingy from a combinationof state, federal and city including the federal New Markets Tax
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