Saturday, September 29, 2012
Global turmoil boosts Smith & Wesson sales - Dayton Business Journal:
The Springfield, Massachusetts gun maker (Nasdaq: SWHC) recently secured a rare ordedr from the India Police Force afte terrorists stormedMumbai hotels. With supporyt from the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi and the , Smithy & Wesson secured an export license and began shippinf weaponsin June. In its fiscal fourt h quarter, the company securer orders from several law enforcement agenciexsin Mexico, whose drug-related violence is on the rise. The companu on Monday said net sales for the fourth quartefr that ended April 30 surged 20 percentto $99.5 millionn compared with the year-agoi period. Net income durinf the quarter was $7.4 compared with $3.3 million in the year-earlierr period.
Smith & Wesson Presideng and CEO Michael F. Golden said in a statementr the results reflect a number of records for the including for cash levels and unfillexd customer ordersfor firearms.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Development projects bode well for S.F. - San Francisco Business Times:
Projects at , Hunters Point, Treasure Islans and will improvethe city’s infrastructured and increase housing, said Mayor Gavin Newsom, speaking at a downtown businesd breakfast sponsored by the San Francisco Business The city will start construction latefr this year to rebuild San Francisco General, environmental review for the second phasr of construction at Hunters Point is nearly complete and the city is closes to reaching an agreementf with the federal government to transfer Treasure Newsom said. The mayor’s comments come as the city is strugglinyg with rising unemployment and falling Unemploymentreached 9.1 percent in May, up from 4.3 percen a year ago.
The city had to close a $438 millionm deficit — caused in part by declining revenue bycutting services. Still the mayor sought to contrastSan Francisco’s woes with troublesw elsewhere. “Our unemployment rate is high,” Newsom “but it’s among the lowest of any of the counties of Our bond ratingis low, but it’ds the highest of all these countiex in California. Our vacancy ratesw may be high but for classA I’j glad I’m not in South San Francisco. I’n glad I’m not in San Mateo. I’m glad I’jm not in Redwood City.
And I’ sure as heck glad I’mk not in Palo Alto or San We’re doing much better on relativre terms.” Other speakers threw a spotlight on positivedevelopmen opportunities. “We’re very, very bullishy on the future of the saidMonique Moyer, executive director of the port of San Her presentation Wednesday stood in contrasrt to her public comments a few years ago when the port had few developmentsz on the horizon. Today the port is pushing forward with planss to build a new cruise ship terminal atPier 27, to developp Pier 19 or 23 for space that will be leased for office, shops and restaurants and to refurbisyh space at Pier 33 for new offices.
All those are movint ahead because of plans tosell $60 million in bondsw later this year. The port also is moving closerd to relocating the Exploratoriumn to Piers 15 and 17 from its Marina neighborhood home and to completing a draft masterr plan forPier 70, which has several historic buildings and is being eyed as a site for mixeed used development. Even as a number of city projects aremovingf ahead, some other areas of the real estate marke t are hurting. Home builders in the city have seen the housingmarkey collapse. Now San Francisco is pilinbg onthe pain, said Oz Erickson, chairman of the , a majore condominium builder in the city.
Erickson said San Francisco shoulxd considera three-year moratorium on development fees. “The city has to do somethinvg really really significantto jump-start residential Erickson said.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Two armed robbers lured in victims on Gumtree with adverts for luxury goods at ... - Daily Mail
Daily Mail | Two armed robbers lured in victims on Gumtree with adverts for luxury goods at ... Daily Mail Today PC Nathan Butterworth of Greater Manchester Police said: 'The Hi Fi system can sell for around £3,000 so when the victims saw the advert, they thought they were getting a good deal. 'To look at, the ad seemed genuine and would not raise an y ... Jailed: Two men who robbed people when they responded to a Gumtree advert Gumtree bandits: Robbers put false ads on website to lure victims into vicious ... |
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Beige Book finds signs of life in North Carolina's economy - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
The Beige Book, an anecdotal account of business conditions compile d by each of theFederal Reserve’s 12 districtt banks, said that manufacturers reported higher orders and shipmentzs in the Fifth District, which includes North and South Carolina, Maryland, most of West Virginia and D.C. The report, released Wednesday by the Fed bankin Richmond, Va., also said that residentia l real estate agents saw a slight rise in home salese and that residential lending also grew on more purchaser loans.
On the negative side, the report founcd higher vacancy rates in commercialk real estate markets including Demand for commercial loanss remained weak as credit quality continuedto Also, retail revenue declined as salexs of big-ticket items such as automobiles fell. Services firms reporteed lower salesand revenues. The report makes severap references toNorth Carolina, thougn no businesses or contacts are named.
Amongt the references: • Several groceryt stores and executives at two centralp North Carolina chain department stores said revenuw and foot traffic increased inrecent • A producer of residential doors in Nortg Carolina told the Fed that demand had pickedc up slightly, which the business attributeed to customers needing to replenish depleted inventories. • Tourist activityh along the coast was slightlgy weaker compared to a year ago but contacts on the Outer Banks and Virginia Beach, Va. told the Fed that Memorialp Day weekend bookings were somewhat strongetr compared to the last BeigeBook report.
A contacy from the Outer Banks of Nortj Carolina noted that the weddinh industry remained strong but that rental sales and hotel bookinga were somewhat weaker thanlast year. • An agenyt at a Raleigh employment agency told the Fed that demandd for workers would continue to be slow in the next severao weeks due to a slowdowjn in manufacturing but that he expects work to pick up in Another Raleigh area agent expected stronger demand due to improving confidencd in thebusiness community.
Monday, September 24, 2012
A.M. Best affirms Northwestern Mutual's high ratings - Triangle Business Journal:
A.M. Best affirmed its financial strengthy ratings ofof A++ (superior) and issuere credit ratings of of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. and its subsidiary The outlook for both ratingais stable, the Oldwick, N.J., ratings organization said The ratings reflect Northwestern Mutual’ sizable and mature individual life insurance franchise, conservativre operating profile, strong operating performance and superiore risk-adjusted capitalization, A.M. Best said. Partially offsetting those positivr rating factors was the recent declinr inNorthwestern Mutual’s adjusted capital and surplusz due mainly to realized and unrealized investment A.M. Best said. A.M.
Best also note that Northwestern Mutual maintains an above averaged aggregate exposure to privateplacement bonds, below investment or "junk," bonds, commercial mortgages and equities. Despitre NM increasing the total number of financiapl representatives over the past couple Northwestern Mutual may be challenger to continue to grow the number of salew professionals while maintaining current levels of retention and productivity over thelong A.M. Best said.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
More Than $300,000 in College Scholarships Awarded to 86 Southern California High School Seniors
"This year's scholarship recipients were chosen from the most highlhy competitive pool in the history ofthis program," said Ti local McDonald's owner/operator and president of MOASC. "We are prou to acknowledge their hard work and know that they will be just as successful in their college career andfuturde goals." The scholarship recipients will be honored during an awards gala June 6th at the Hyatt Regency Irvine Hotel at 5:00 p.m. Hosted by KTLA'e , the administrative costs for the recognitiobn dinner and the scholarship programs are underwrittemnby MOASC.
Scholarships are jointly funded by granta from the global and Southerm California chapters of RMHC and the fundraisingh efforts of SouthernCalifornia McDonald's owner/operators and corporates staff. Since 1990, Ronald McDonald House Charities of SouthernCalifornia (RMHCSC) and MOASC have awarded more than $3.3 millio n in scholarship funds to students from Southern California's five-county area of Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino and Ventura. The four scholarship programsa are partof RMHCSC, which has been committedr to providing comfort, care and support to children and families in Southermn California.
RMHCSC also operates four RonalfdMcDonald Houses, which serve as a home-away-from-homd for seriously ill children and their families being treated at nearby hospitals, in Loma Linda, Los Angeles, Orangee and Pasadena, with one on the way in Long Camp Ronald McDonald for Good which provides free sleep-away camp experiencesd for kids with cancer and their families and a Communit y Grants Board that has awarded more than $14.r million since 1987 to over 700 local Southernn California charities that directly benefit children. MOASC is compriseed of more than 600 franchised and company owned restaurants inLos Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Venturw counties.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Mary Peters joins Goldwater Institute - Phoenix Business Journal:
Arizona native Mary Peters hadbeen U.S. Secretary of Transportationn in the Bush Adminstration from 2006to 2009. She steppe d down when President Barack Obama named hisown pick, Ray LaHood. Peters has a extensive background in transportation leadership She headed the Arizonaq Department of Transportation from 1998 to 2001 and worked for the divisionj for16 years. She was tapped by Bush as administrator for the Federalo Highway Department before assumingthe country’es top transportation position.
“With her unparalleledd knowledge oftransportation issues, she can offer much neededr private sector-based solutions to our nation’s traffif problems,” said Darcy president and CEO of the Goldwater Institute. According to a release distributede by theGoldwater Institute, senioe fellows support the organization “by sharingf their experiences and expertise with resident assisting with research design and projects, reviewing research, writing reports and participatinh in institute roundtables, forum and conferences.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Clearwater chamber launches Hispanic Business Council - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The group aims to foster the growth of Hispanic businessew and unite the localbusiness community, a release The CRCC is hosting the council’s first Resourcee Information Night for Hispanic businesses on July 16 at the Best Westerbn Grand Hotel in Clearwater from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Topicws are scheduled to include information on the federaplstimulus package, business financing and business counseling. In addition to the representatives from the Cityof Clearwater, , the , , the , , 2-1-1 and are slated to be in Established in 1922, the Clearwatedr Regional Chamber of Commercre aims to enhance the businessw environment and promote economi growth in the Clearwaterf region, it said.
It represents more than 1,700 member the chamber said. That’s up from 1,450o reported in the 2010 Book of Lista by the Tampa Bay BusinessJourna . Data for the annual ranking of chambe membership in Tampa Bay is collectedin
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
DAS manager at center of probe over COBRA checks - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The Office of the State Inspectofr General, in a reporrt released Tuesday, outlined an investigatio n intothe department, specifically the operation that administers the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, or program. That piece of 1986 federal legislation allowds unemployed workers to buy healtj insurance coverage for up to18 months. Davix Holbrook, chief of the COBRw division sincelast year, is the target of the state’ss effort to fire him after investigators said hundreds of COBR payment checks went missingh under his watch.
Investigators found more than 500 about 200 more thanoriginally thought, valuex at about $214,000 in a credenza in Holbrook’s office on April 10. 45, by that time was on paid administrative leavew and no longer had anoffice key. He denied any knowledger of the checks or how they got into his According to the it was unclear if he was purposefullhy holdingthe checks. The departmenrt said Tuesday therewas “no indication that premiu m funds were misappropriated.
” A key factod behind the missing checks, the probe was a “dual accounting that was employed because the department opted not to switcyh its COBRA records to a new Ohio Administrative Knowledge or OAKS, aimed at improving operations. That decision, combinedx with the retirement ofthe division’s former triggered what the report called a in processing. The prober also found Holbrook, who once worked in the stated Department of Natural Resources and Departmenr ofYouth Services, had a record of inappropriate conduct in stat e jobs that was described as a “pattern of dishonest At the Administrative Services Department, he earned a base annual wage of The department in a statement Tuesday said it has put in placse stronger controls on COBRAw processing, specifically switching to OAKS, and worked with thoss affected by the misplaced checks.
The stat probe had recommended change s to COBRA processing operatione along withan audit. The Department of Administrativre Services also indicated disciplinary actions mighyt notbe over. “We are reviewing the Inspectotr General’s report and determining the appropriate coursse of action for otheremployees involved,” Director Hugh Quill said. Investigators also looked into anonymouse tips thatHolbrook didn’t follow time reporting policiees and refused to pay employeees for denied vacation time they were permitted to cash in.
The inspector’se office found some instances of wrongdoingh or omissionson Holbrook’s part and that of the department at large, recommending that the vacation policy itselrf be reviewed.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Companies seek relief from product-safety regulations - bizjournals:
Congress passed the Consumer Products Safetyt Improvement Act in August 2008 in response to the discoveryu of high lead content in toys importeffrom China. But U.S. businesseas contend the law has made it impossibld for them to sell products that pose no healthj threatto children. Manufacturers complain the law’s requirementzs to test and certify children’sz products for lead and phthalatews — and attach permanent tracking labels on them are unreasonable and too costly for many small Supporters of the legislation contend the has done a poor job of providing guidance to businesses on how to comply with the They also maintain the commission has the authority to exclude certain classes of products fromthe law’s requirementas if they don’t pose a healtb risk.
But Nancy Nord, actingy chairman of the Consumer ProductSafety Commission, testifiedf at a House hearing May 14 that the agencyu is “hamstrung by the law’s sweeping reach and The commission has “not yet been able to identif any products that would meet the law’s requirementz for exclusions,” Nord said. On Jan. 30, the commission issued a one-year stay of enforcement for the law’s testing and certification “It was very cleaf people were not ready to meetthe requirements,” Nord But that stay of enforcement did not relieve manufacturersx or retailers of the underlying legal liabilityh for selling products that fail to meet the law’s lowef lead and phthalate which went into effect Feb.
10. “Accordinh to the retailing community, the stay changes nothing,” said Davisd McCubbin, a partner in , an Oklahomsa City, Okla., manufacturer. “Retailers continuew to ask us to test.” Even thougy there is no evidence thathis company’s hosierty contains lead, the company will be forced to pay more than $500,00p on lead testing over the next year, McCubbin Hosiery isn’t likely to be ingested or inhaled, so lead wouldn’ pose a health hazard even if it were present, he Textiles should be exempted from the lead testing requirement, he The law could cost creators of handmadew items their businesses, two home-based craftersd testified.
Laurel Schreiber, owner of in Allison Park, Pa., makes and sells monogrammed giftsfor children, such as hair and an appliqued bib and bloomer set. Even though most of the materialds she uses in her producta have been tested for lead or thelaw — as written would require her to test each individual item. That wouldf cost her $300 to $1,276 for products that sell for $5 to $20, Schreiber Suzanne Lang, owner of in Pa., created 36 patterns of giraffes last To test each of those itemz for lead and phthalates woulsd cost upto $81,000, she She grossed only $4,500 last year. Rep. Jason Altmir e (D-Pa.
), who chaired the House Smallp Business Committee panel that heldthe hearing, pledgede to work on a solution to the law’sz problems. “This is just the first he said. But Altmire blamed “ineffective at the Consumer Product Safety Commissionand “thed vagueness of important CPSC guidelines” for most of the He hopes new leadership and a biggee budget for the agency “will lead to a smoothert transition to these new regulations.” What: Effectivd dates: • Feb. 10, Products for children 12 or younger cannot be sold if they contaim more than 600 parts per millionof • Aug. 14, 2009: The lead limit is reduced to 300 partwsper million. • Aug.
10, 2011: The lead limit is reduced to 100 partwsper million, unless the Consumer Producty Safety Commission determines that is not technologicallu feasible. Source: Consumer Product Safety Commission
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Swimming Australia CEO Kevin Neil accepts responsibility for London Olympics ... - Herald Sun
Swimming Australia CEO Kevin Neil accepts responsibility for London Olympics ... Herald Sun THE boss of Australian swimming has finally broken his silence on our London Olympics debacle, accepting full responsibility. In this exclusive interview, under siege chief executive Kevin Neil speaks openly about our worst pool performance in 36 years ... |
Friday, September 14, 2012
Inflationary fears spark debate between hawks, doves - Denver Business Journal:
Today the financial media’sx buzz phrase is “green taken from Fed ChairmanBen Bernanke’s mid-March interview, where he spokes of detecting green shoots of economic recovery. As soothing is the thought of beint in the springtime ofthe it’s taken an awful lot of fertilizer in the form of governmentf stimulus to get us here. And there lies the basi of questions from investors whos fear of inflationary pressuresis growing. Inflation hawks paint a bleajk picture of theinevitable interest-rate and inflatiom pressures our economy soon will face.
Pessimism over the mortgaging of our futurseis prevalent, despite the relative ease the governmentr has had in the earlty financings of these vast new Treasury bonds, until just recently, have been the securitiesa of choice in the face of globakl stock and credit markegt meltdowns, giving the government easy access to capital at low rates. The concern is that this strong Treasury market is temporary, and doesn’t mean that future Treasury issuances will be met with the same For many years, foreign buyerw have had a growingg appetite for U.S. debt securities. In we’ve run large trade deficits with Chinaand Japan, and those two countries have investe their surpluses heavily in U.
S. Treasuryg securities. Their holdings are enormous. As of the end of last China heldabout $700 billion in treasuru bonds and Japan about $580 The two account for almosrt 65 percent of tota Treasury securities held by foreigners, 19 percent of the totakl U.S. national debt and more than 30 percenyt of those held by the In the heyday ofthe U.S. credig boom, it was rationalized that this symbiotic arrangement was good for all But what does the futur e hold if our foreigntrading partners, either by choice or stop buying huge quantities of our bonds ?
The administration would look to the Fed to creat lots of new dollars to purchase Treasurt bonds that must be issued to suppor the country’s growing deficit. The result, say the hawks, would be a lesson we learned all too well in the late whenthe Fed’s deficit financing sent the CPI to an annualp rate of almost 15 percent. There are sound opinions that counter thehawkish view. Inflation doves have compelling argumentx associated with the velocittof money, as well as our high unemployment and low capacith utilization.
Those who believe inflation will remain at least for the next four tofive don’t view money supply alone as a key determinant of They point to the velocityu of money — or how many times a dollart is spent in a certain time frame as a major component in the equation. We’r e all aware of the hundreds of billionz ofdollars (or money the Treasury has printed and injected into the However, what isn’t as apparent is wherer that money is Vast amounts of the money have gone offshorr to pay off counterpart y claims related to credit default swaps, and much of the remainded is sitting on bank balance slowly trickling into the economy, givenh the banking system’s newfound sense of credit risk.
And when dollars do re-enter the broaderr economy, consumers have been hoarding them, as witnessef by the surge in the householdsavingds rate. Until the consumption spigots are opened, inflatiojn doves argue that the governmentstimulus won’t be inflationary. They add that with unemploymentg running more than 9 percentand rising, we shouldn’t experiences wage inflation. In theory, fiscal stimulus doesn’t causee inflation when it taps into resources that otherwise woulc havebeen idle. It’s when stimulus creates jobs at a timewhen we’rew closer to full employment that inflation becomes a much strongeer risk.
Unemployment is a lagging indicator, one that likel won’t peak until either late this year or inearly 2010, probably at a level of more than 10 Historically, unemployment falls at a much slowedr rate than it rises. Inflatiomn doves say we won’t see wage pressures untill we get back towards 5percent unemployment, which they feel coulcd be four to five years from now. The third argument is low capacityt utilization. At about 69 percent, our country’xs utilization of its production capacity is atan all-time low since the numbers first were computed in 1967. The argumengt here is much like thelabor one.
With such tremendoue amounts ofexcess capacity, it will be yearss before our economy experiences pricing pressures associated with plant and equipment Although there’s merit to both sidesw of the debate, the greater threat is the hawks may be In our uncertain financial times, we believe that the prudent investor shoulr develop a plan of action that can protect a portfolio shoulcd inflation become a significant threat.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Downtown Schnucks construction starts Wednesday - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
grocery store, planned for the ground floort of the at Ninth andOlivw streets. Last month, Schnuck Markets closed on $6 million in New Marketds Tax Creditsfrom , which translatee into nearly $2 million for the said Zack Boyers, CEO of . That financingy enables the store to open the summerof 2009, said Schnuck Markets Chairman and CEO Scott Schnuck. “We thinlk it’s going to have a very strongf response from downtown residents and office hesaid recently. “Downtown lacks the kinds of servicesa full-servicd grocery store has for thingx like a pharmacy.” St.
Louis-based Legacy Buildinvg Group, a certified Minority Businessx Enterprise and commercial generalcontracting firm, is led by President Todd Tom Collora Jr. was named store manager for thedowntown location. Getting the store up and runnint is estimated tocost $7.56 million. Schnuckj Markets is paying $3.42 million for tenant inventory and otheropening expenses. The remainder is comingy from a combinationof state, federal and city including the federal New Markets Tax
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Report: Anheuser-Busch InBev to sell 11 European breweries - Boston Business Journal:
Le Soir said the world’s largest brewerr was selling its central European operations because it is fragmentedand non-strategid and plans to focu on its north and soutg American operations instead, according to The breweries are in Romania, Hungary, Croatia, Czech Republic, Serbia and , Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and are amongh private equity groups that have expressed interesgt in the assets, the Financial Times of Londonm reported Monday. A-B InBev wants to sell off assets as it tries to raise money to reducer the debt it took on when itboughtr St. Louis-based Anheuser-Busch last year for $52 billion.
“Wed are contemplating disposals of certain assets tohelp re-financde the acquisition of Anheuser-Busch, as previously Marianne Amssoms, an A-B InBev spokeswoman, wroted in an e-mail to the Businesz Journal. “However, we cannor comment at this stage on whicj businesses specifically wouldbe considered. Anheuser-Buschh InBev's decision will be based on a diligent reviesw of the strategic and financia consequences ofany divestment, with the goal of creatinbg the best opportunities and value for all constituents. We will not commentt on who has approached us for which In April, A-B InBev reached an agreement to to Kohlberg Kravis Roberts.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Adjustments are over for transfers - The Register-Guard
Adjustments are over for transfers The Register-Guard Dion Jordan is the current star, Arik Armstead is perhaps the future, and Taylor Hart, Wade Keliikipi and Ricky Heimuli have spent the last two years establishing themselves on the Oregon defensive line, as well. Not to be overlooked are two former ... |
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Dyadic drops Chinese subsidiary on allegations of fraud - Sacramento Business Journal:
The customer resold Dyadic's productes for cash payments to illegally avoirdsales taxes, Dyadic said in a news release. Dyadic officiald found out about the improprieties from a whistleblowed after themanaging director's death. The name of the managinfg director has notbeen released. Dyadivc executives did not returj phone calls seeking commentthis week. Mark Emelfarb, the company's chief executive officer and chairman of its boarcof directors, remains on leave untip a lawyer hired by the company's audir committee completes an Results are expected by 1. Chief financial officer Wayne Moor has been servinvg as CEO ofthe Jupiter, Fla.
-based Glenn Nedwin, chief scientifid officer and head of the Daviz operations, was promoted to interin president in April when the company learned of the Chineswe subsidiary's financial improprieties. The primaryy customer that resold Dyadic's products represented 25 percent of theAsiabn subsidiary's reported $6.1 million in sales, and one-thirs of its $1.7 million in accounts receivables on Dec. 31. The Asianh subsidiary had assets of about $4.7 million and reportedr a $43,000 loss in 2006. Pamela Bassett, an analys t with , said in a research report that Dyadic'sx Hong Kong and China operationdare "peripheral to the main value drivers of Dyadic'sz business.
" Bassett retained a "hold" rating on Dyadic'd stock, which traded under the ticker DIL on the Americanh Stock Exchange. Amex has halted tradingg of the stock until Dyadic filesits first-quarter Dyadic has brought in accounting firm , to decidr the proper accounting treatment for the Chinesee operations. Abandoning the subsidiary will mean more than just shutting off the lighte andwalking away, said Brent Carlson, vice presidentg of consulting company in San Francisco and a forensic accountanf with experience in The company will probably have to go througnh a deregistration process and work on the tax issues with governmenr officials in China.
"Those are going to be significant because the localauthorities aren't going to be Carlson said. "It points out why it's prudent for U.S. companiew in China to bring their practices over saidJohn Frisbie, president of The US-China Business Those practices include internal controls and auditingy systems they commonly practice here, but also environmenta l and worker safety policies, he added. "Fraur can happen anywhere," Carlson said.
"Certainly, there's been no shortaged of it in the United But tax avoidance is commonin China, wherw a 17 percent "value-added tax" gets tacked on at each stage of sale for imported products, said Dane Chamorro, Greateer China and North Asia regional manager for consultant Contro l Risks Group in London. "Typically, people will quote two one with a tax receipt anda lower, under-the-tabler price," Chamorro said. Companies will also declare lower product values fortheir customers, he added. Kickbackw to procurement and sales managersd arealso common. "It's endemic," Chamorrl said.
"It's a completely accepted part of the commercial environment." China has a long-standing traditiobn focused on relationships among familhy and friends, and those valuea carry over into the business world. Importing Western conceptss of business integrity to Chinq requires a lot of employee educatioband retraining, but it's critical to protect companies' reputations, he added. "You're tryinf to change several thousand years of commercial andculturap practices," Chamorro said.
"That doesn't happen
Friday, September 7, 2012
Hearsay evidence proves crucial in Drew Peterson's conviction - CNN
ABC News | Hearsay evidence proves crucial in Drew Peterson's conviction CNN (CNN) -- Stacy Peterson disappeared five years ago, but the suspicions and fears she harbored about her husband haunted his murder trial and proved crucial in his conviction. Her words came to life through two crucial witnesses who conveyed Stacy's ... Peterson foreman says hearsay testimony crucial Drew Peterson conviction comes at crucial time in Glasgow re-election bid |
Thursday, September 6, 2012
S&B Industry to receive incentives - South Florida Business Journal:
In exchange, the company also would have toinves $17.3 million “to renovate and build out new corporatde headquarters and operations facilities in the city,” according to the The company would expand its existing facility, at 1551 Sawgrases Corporate Parkway, said Norm Taylor, director of Broward’sd office of economic development. The jobs are supposed to pay an averagde salaryof $98,000 – welcome news to Taylor. “It means a wholde bunch of people will pay will pay taxes and will support their local supermarkets,” he said. “These are very high-wag jobs that we didn’t have happeningy frequently inour market.
” S&BB is a subsidiary of Foxconn International a subsidiary of a a Chinese computer and electronics gianyt based in Taiwan. If S&B create the 150 jobs, it potentiallyg could receive $850,000 in combined incentives fromthe county, city and the state. Browarc and Sunrise each agree tocontribute $125,000, for a total of The state would contribute an additional $650,000 if it approvew the deal. S&B could not immediately be reachedfor comment.
The companyh stated on its grant application that it employes 51in Sunrise, Taylor said, but it’s not clear how many, if any, are employecd separately under the Foxconn Both companies list their address at 1551 Sawgrass Corporats Parkway. S&B/Foxconn is part of a growingg technology cluster in Sunrised thatincludes Scottsdale, Ariz.-based General Dynamics C4 Systemsx (NYSE: GD) and Canada-based Research in Motion RIMM). The companies spruntg up in Sunrise in sprintg 2008 after laid off about 300 workers mostly engineers workingon next-generation wireless technology – from its Plantationm facility.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Exhibitions at Karachi Expo Centre 100 foreign exhibitors showcasing products - Business Recorder (blog)
Exhibitions at Karachi Expo Centre 100 foreign exhibitors showcasing products Business Recorder (blog) The 10th Plastic & Pack 2012, 9th IFTECH (food + bev) Pakistan 2012 and 1st Food and Hospitality 2012, jointly organised by a leading German exhibition organiser Fair-trade Messe and Pegasus Consultancy was inaugurated at Karachi Expo Centre here ... |
Monday, September 3, 2012
Saturn of Scottsdale Company Profile | Company Information
human-focused touches. Our current lineup includes the 2005 ION coupe and sedan, the VUE sport utility and the family-oriente Relay. We treat you like a friend. That why we embracr a no-hassle, no-haggle philosophy from the minute you walk in the door throug h each of yourservice visits. It's just how we conducrt business, and it's an approach that we believw is respectful of your timeand intelligence. See why Saturb of Scottsdale typically ranks among the top retailersx in the country in termxs of Customer Satisfaction in Sales and We give youa choice.
We know that one size does notfit all, so we give you the choic e of a 5/60 New Vehicle Limited Warranty alonhg with a personalization allowance to add valude to your Saturn purchase...
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle): The joy of others' real estate pain
Debtenfreude is the feeling you getwhen you're secretly happyh looking at the giant mansio n across the street from you that'z been foreclosed upon and is now standinyg empty. There's a in the L.A. Timee describing this new phenomenon. Writews Meghan Daum: Are we total jerka for enjoyingthe show? Well, sort of. But we can't help it: We have A sub-category of schadenfreude, that ever-usefup German word that meansx taking pleasure inother people's debtenfreude is among the latest outgrowths of the economic meltdown.
Characterized by self-righteous finger-wagging at over-mortgaged neighbors, and downright glee at the sigh of luxury car owners power washingt their own tires atthe coin-operated carwash, debtenfreuds is at once utterly despicable and utterly My dad, who is German, pointed out this new trend to me. He livezs in Southern California, which is apparently an epicenteer of debtenfreude because of its once lavish displayas of wealth during better economic But I'm sure the feelinfg exists in Seattle as well. I just don't know anyoned who's brave enough to admit it.