Thursday, April 26, 2012

Wal-Mart backs health insurance mandate - Triangle Business Journal:
Wal-Mart (NYSE:WMT) joined the and the economic thino tank in voicing support for mandaterhealth coverage. The Bentonville, Ark.-based retailer is the largest private employer in Nortgh Carolina and has come under criticism in the past for not offerinhg benefits to some ofits workers. Wal-Martt has expanded benefits in recentg years and supports federal health care reform that would include requirementsz that employers offer at leastsome “We are for shareed responsibility. Not every business can make the same contribution but everyone must make some said a letter to Obama signedby Wal-Mart CEO Mike SEIU President Andy Sternh and CAP CEO John Podesta.
“We are for an employefr mandate which is fair and broad inits coverage, but any alternatives to an employer mandate should not creat e barriers to hiring entry-level Obama and Congress are working on healtuh care reforms aimed at providing health insuranced and controlling costs for 46 million

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